#might very well stick with it bc I haven't felt this natural and Good about my art in a long time
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decarbry · 7 months ago
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make-me-imagine · 4 years ago
congrats on 5.5k!! you're insanely talented and I'm so happy you're getting the recognition you deserve 🥺🥺 could i join in the ship requests too?
I'm a rather small sized (like, 154cm & ~40kg kind of small) Asian female from a South East Asia country and i prefer men, especially men who are taller and Age Gaps™ 🥴 I'm not sure how much you know about/believe in astrology but I'm a Libra sun, Taurus rising and Capricorn moon so you can do what you want with that 😂
I'm an INTP/INFP (I've gotten both an equal number of times from sites OTHER than 16 personality, tho I personally vibe with INTP just a teeny smidge more) if you do MBTI ✌🏼 I LOVE to read, especially fanfiction lmao, and i also write! I really love listening to music + watching shows/movies too! My favourite shows are all mystery/crime based LOL and I am working towards becoming a criminal psychologist/forensic pathologist/forensic scientist in future! (heavily inspired by Criminal Minds, Sherlock, Detective Conan and the like so 😂) I have a really vivid and good imagination please i can spend DAYS just daydreaming and imagining scenarios that I never finish writing about & generally this is how all my work is never finished loll
I'm the eldest sibling at home, and my parents haven't always been around so I've been rather used to stepping up and taking care of myself (+ my sibling, like helping them with homework and all). Some people say I'm a natural born leader? idk bc I often step up to be the leader in group work & I'll often be the one to initiate things & all. I'm a rather big procrastinator though LOLL so you'll often catch me rushing my assignments & final projects & rushing my revision for exams + finals like, 2 days before the actual exam 💀 which often leads to me becoming more stressed out & breaking down more often than i actually should so 🥲 I'm trying to quit this bad habit though
I love cuddles and hugs please I will KILL for cuddles and hugs from my back by a tall character pls it just feels so safe and comforting to be spooned too 🥺🥺 sometimes when I'm too absorbed in work or something (which happens too often for it to be healthy) I might just forget to eat/sleep entirely AND also my sleep routine isn't the best. like i will literally fall asleep at 9pm, wake up in the middle of the night on my own at like, 1am, then usually I'll be rushing homework at this time, then maybe sleep again for a short while from 4ish? till when i have to get up for school/work at 5:30/6am 💀 there's been days where i literally looked so sick from the lack of sleep where my tutor once stopped the class to ask me if I was okay and if i was going to faint LMAO 😔 i feel like I'm a night owl??? but then also i have no problem getting up super early in the morning so?? but i really feel most at home and really enjoy the 3am nights 😌
i am also the class clown lol but it's bc i just make sarcastic comments and all and my friends think they're funny???? but also i enjoy making people laugh bc sometimes i find it interesting to try and see what kind of things make my friends laugh so it's lowkey an experiment? or like something i want to achieve? at this point. I'm fluent in English and Chinese/Mandarin and I'm learning Italian so I roughly know some basics, and I really enjoyed History, which I took last year but dropped this year. (I'm taking English Literature with Biology + Chemistry this year and they're all great, except I'm literally dying from the workload aaahhh 💀)
I'm kinda clumsy and Not Good™ at most sports, maybe passably okay for badminton but I'm really not that athletic and really not very keen on exercising either 😔 I'm quite creative and good with public speaking/creative writing/impromptu performance/speech though I'd say! I'm also in my school's drama club 😎 though I'm more of a backstage lights & sounds kind of person. I'm right handed (with a really neat handwriting, as I've been told many, many, many times) and I wear thin frame spectacles which I sometimes will fall asleep in & I'm so clumsy/careless that I'm actually really afraid I'd break them (it's happened before 😭)
I'm a really good planner? like i can do up a great and detailed schedule/plan for revision and all but i will NOT stick to what i plan 😭😭 i love to snack!!!! on chips + gummies especially, and my diet is quite unhealthy lmao i literally don't eat vegetables At All™ & i don't really eat meat that much too?? lmaoo please i can go for days without having a single proper meal & just survive on snacking on potato chips + soft drinks 💀 i am a very picky eater though so really me not finding food i like/am able to stomach is also really kind of my fault 🤡
while i really vibe with and love the dark academia aesthetic, i also do video/MOBA games, like i play games like Mobile Legends & all. I'm someone who knows most, if not all the lastest trends (like tiktok, memes etc) but i won't actively participate in them? i just kind of like to know things, like Knowledge is Power you know (I'm a Slytherin, in case you're wondering, though I've gotten Ravenclaw so often it's a close tie sometimes)
okay i feel like that's enough details about me? feels like I've told you nothing that's useful oh well LOL... I'd really love a ship for Criminal Minds and Marvel? if that's possible please? in case you missed it, i prefer men! (I'm a questioning bi, with a strong preference for men) for the hc prompt "what you do on your first date" or maybe "how you met + first impressions"?
thank you so much for being so kind and willing to do this ship requests thing!! I'm sure you're spending TONS of time and effort on this and aahhh i feel bad for typing so long paragraphs now (as you may have noticed i have a tendency to ramble on if not stopped because i am just really Socially Awkward ™ sometimes 💀 and have really bad (social) anxiety too) and i really think you're super amazing for doing this??? I'm so sorry if this took up too much of your time aaahhhhh thank you so so so much 🥺😭😭 really the biggest of congratulations to you for your 5.5k??? you really do deserve every single follower & i am SO insanely happy for you 🤩❤️
- 🌙🏒 anon
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Don’t worry, you definitely provided enough information lmao. 
And thank you for your kind words, I appreciate it. 
I hope you like the ships I made for you
They are under the cut: 
Criminal Minds: 
I ship you with Hotch. 
You get the age-gap here lol. He would be a bit hesitant due to the age gap at first, but he would get over it because he can not resist. He does not seem like the type of cuddles, and especially does not take part in PDA. But when you are alone he would love holding you and spooning, especially after a long day of work. Aaron would be attracted to your uniqueness as well as your intelligence and aesthetic, finding it to be very “you”. 
How you met + his first impressions: 
You met when you were transferred to the BAU as the new Forensic Pathologist.
Hotch thought you were very interesting when you first met and was definitely intrigued by you. 
He thought you fit in fairly well and would get along with the others (which you do). 
He appreciates a sarcastic sense of humor, so he would dig that as well.
Hotch could tell you had a form of anxiety and wold be patient around you when you first met so that you could open up to him at your own pace.
What you do on your first date:
He takes you to a hockey game. 
He is not the sportiest person but he has had an interest in hockey for a while, sometimes watching it on tv. 
When he learned that you liked it, he decided that this would be the perfect opportunity to invite you on a date as well as to see his first game. 
After the game, you walked around town for a bit, getting some late night food and talking or a long time. 
This allowed you to open up to him quite a bit and you grew more comfortable around him as well, which he is very happy about. 
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Best Friend: 
Your best friend is JJ. She thinks you are really cool and unique and nice. She has the type of personality that is easy t get along with and open up too, so you bonded with her quicker than the others. I also feel like she is into hockey as well, so she appreciates your love for it as well. 
I ship you with Sam. 
I think Sam is a good fit for you. He is into sports, and digs your aesthetic. He is easy to get along with and very funny. He thinks your line of work is very interesting and loves to listen to you talk about it. Sam also really enjoys crime shows ans thrillers so he is always excited to meet someone who enjoys them as well. 
How you met + his first impressions:
You met through Nat, who you had met through SHIELD years before. 
You happened to be at the compound with Nat when Sam was there and she introduced you. 
He immediately thought you were pretty and very interesting.
Sam could tell you were shy, but that did not stop him from flirting.
Though he also made some jokes and was easy going as to not scare you off. 
He made sure to ask Nat about you once you left and managed to convince her to give him your contact info. 
What you did on your first date: 
He took you to the movies first, to watch the most recent crime thriller that came out. 
After the movie you went to a nearby park and walked around, talking about the movie and other crime/horror related stuff. 
You got food at a food truck and sat by the fountain together. 
He was appalled when you told him that you didn’t eat that often (if came a part of your relationship later on that he would try to cook you meals that you’d like just so you WOULD EAT). 
You ended up spending hours together, and it felt like no time at all.
So you were definitely up for another date with him, which he of course asked you about.  
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Natasha. She was the first one you met, and slowly introduced you to the others. She thought you were really cool when you first met and was surprised at how well you go along. That is sometimes hard for her to do, so once you became friends she never took that for granted. She and Sam would gang up on you when you weren’t eating btw. 
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prxncessophelia · 6 years ago
Magdalena Bay /r/Popheads Discord AMA [16/08/2019] Transcript
Q : Did you get your name from this iconic bop? [Sandra : Maria Magdalena]
MB : hahah no, Matt stole it from a literal person named Magdalena Bay // (they called her maggy bay)
Q : whats your biggest influence that sounds nothing like your own music
MB : we love PC Music even though we don't really sound like it
Q : out of everything you’ve made, what song is your all-time fave/which one are you the most proud of?
MB : We think Set Me Off is super underrated, but usually our fave is whatever the newest thing we write is
Q : Did Matt take up that offer at the DMV?
MB : hahaha NO
Q : whats the song you guys most had trouble with?
MB : hmmm probably move slow, we re-did the melody and production a few times before we settled on the disco vibes
Q : What made you guys decide to go for shorter song lengths, or was it somethjng that just happened naturally?
MB : We got tired of waiting so long to release official singles, wanted to do low-pressure quick songs that we could get out to our fans sooner!
Q : So like, where’s Voc pop on Spotify?
MB : hahah does anyone actually like that song?! It was the first pop thing we ever made and it was more of a learning experience for us than an actual song to us
Q : are you planning to tour europe anytime soon?
MB : we'd love to tour just need the right opportunity
Q : what's both of your favourite songs right now? also have you heard any of Caroline Polachek's music
MB : Actually one of our favorite songs right now is Door! Another is Ever Again (Robyn)
Q : one more: do you have any plans for an album in the future? Or are you just going with the flow
MB : yes we have album plans! Maybe next year
Q : Did you have a specific inspiration for Neon's music video, or was it just the whole vaporwave aesthetic in general?
MB : that video we actually didn't do ourselves, we found that archival footage of the couple and had that intro sequence sone but we sent it to our talented friend Matt Lewis who added the whole vaporwave element, we really weren't too aware of that whole world at the time! But it really worked well with Neon
Q : do you like the band Superorganism?
MB : haven't really listened to Superorganism, we'll check them out!
Q : Only thing I don’t like is the redbone cover to be honest with you and I’ve gone through your YouTube and soundcloud
MB : lol we respect that
Q : I really like your Redbone cover! What other songs would you like to cover?
MB : we always struggle to think of covers, was thinking of sourcing suggestions on Instagram so maybe we'll do that soon
Q : What is thr most difficult song of the creative process for you guys, is it, say, the lyrics, the melody, the mixing?
MB : probably lyrics, it's not that it's HARD but I get very particular about it and sometimes a little slow haha - Mica
Q : i just have to say, i think i've streamed your one song Only If You Want It a million times. it's such a bop and i think it's a great song to introduce people to your work. what was your inspiration for that song and the retro style music video?
MB : yes we think OIYWI really encapsulates what we're aiming to do musically, really glad you like it! Spice Girls, specifically Say You'll Be There, was a huge inspo. We really love that video but didn't have a plan for it AT ALL when we filmed all that footage of me with our vhs cam hahah so it was a mess but then we figured out the word art aesthetic and the bugs and it all came together
Q : How does it feel to be the highlight of my terrible day? Because once I saw the tweet I felt quite a bit better, plus my magbae playlist keeps me calm
MB : Thank you!! We made that cover ourselves so means a lot, and there's a little nod to each mini song in it which is fun
Q : have you ever covered songs that you decided against releasing?
MB : yes lol how did you know?? we did really weird attempts at promiscuous girl and rod stewart's if you think i'm sexy that will never see the light of day
Q : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/264810236500639745/609503125677670418/magdalenabay.gif
MB : love the gif!!
Q : if a blackpink stan is called a blink is a magdalena bay stan called a mabay
MB : we think magbae is a good stan name
Q : what is the best/worst thing you've guys have encountered so far in the music industry??
MB : best/worst thing we've encountered in the music industry: one of the best things is finding our stuff being posted on r/popheads, we used to have to do it ourselves hahah, worst thing is dealing with shady industry people
Q : Any plans for shows in the Los Angeles area by the end of the year?
MB : re LA shows: we're working on it! probably yes
Q : Oh shoot i just thought of a very very improtany question i must know - Simply : Cats or Dogs
much later // we like cats too just dogs more :/
Q : Did you start making music for the fun of it, or did you actually have asperations to be famous?
MB : we started making music back in high school in a rock band and it just evolved from there. I (mica) never thought I would really do this until i had to graduate college and was like wait!!! I don't want a real job!! // Matt always knew he wanted to work in music
Q : magdalena bay, how would you guys describe your songwriting process?
MB : it's pretty different for each song, only thing that stays the same is that we write lyrics after melody, not all writers do that! but a song can start with a beat or chords or sometimes melody, from either of us!
Q : ooh I actually have one more question! what song of yours has the most meaning to you? whether it’s bc of the inspiration behind it or something else
MB : probably some of the unreleased stuff, but you'll hear it soon! a song called airplane is prob the most personal to me (mica)
Q : what artist(s) would you collab with, if you could pick any?
MB : soo many but Rina Sawayama is near the top of our list
Q : If you could travel back in time and impart one piece of advise to your early teenage selves, what would it be?
Q : So do you sit down for hours and work on thinking of melodies or do they come to you randomly and you're like "whelp, time to record"
MB : both definitely happen, iphone voice memos are key
Q : Actually I do have a question, if y'all had a bigger budget, what would you be doing differently?
MB : blackpink-level music videos
Q : Favorite video games?
MB : We've just started playing video games and love zelda twilight princess but we're dumb and bad at it and are always stuck lol
Q : there are several users here in popheads who are trying to get into the music industry, if you have one tip you can give them, what would it be?
MB : try to do everything you can yourself- from music production to videos to graphics you will learn a lot and be less reliant on other people!! and you'll save money haha
Q : If yall dont thats chill but if yoy do whats your fav song from blackpink
MB : we like the one that goes dudududu
Q : Were you ever worried about a song with hashtag as a title/lyric? Or were you just that damn confident?
MB : yes we were worried lol
Q : would you play Minecraft
MB : don't know anything about it but matt's little sister plays it so sure
Q : we spoke about artists you'd like to work with so...what producers do you get inspiration from / would like to work with?
MB : definitely ag cook, Sophie, grimes, toro, also get a lot of influence from the classics like max martin, quincy jones, pharell
Q : What's one thing people might be surprised to learn about the both of you, respectively?
MB : Maybe that we started music playing in a progressive rock band (the opposite of pop) also matt is an amazing chef and mica is argentinian??
Q : if there is one, favourite Britney Spears album/song?
MB : BLACKOUT we listen to it every day
Q : is there any of your progressive rock stuff on the internet 🧐
Also: (you may have answered this already, skip if you have lol) why did you guys make such a genre switch?
MB : Yes but we're not gonna link hahah, and we started making pop because we were at school in different cities and pop is easier to make long distance.... didn't know we'd fall in love with making it! Also mica discovered art angels around that time and that was that
Q : will you continue to be in the server and chat with us? we enjoy having you and hope you'll stick around
MB : thank you!! @hals#0013 yes we'll be around
Q : what do yall liste to outside of pop
MB : NOTHING and with that, goodbye! :heart: :heart: :heart: thanks again!!
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